muse will of the people türkçe çeviri

The will of the people, the will of the people
The will of the, will of the
Will of the people, the will of the people
The will of the, will of the
Will of the people, the will of the people
The will of the, will of the
Will of the people, the will of the people
The will of the, will of the

Halkın iradesi, halkın iradesi
İradesi, iradesi
Halkın iradesi, halkın iradesi
İradesi, iradesi
Halkın iradesi, halkın iradesi
İradesi, iradesi
Halkın iradesi, halkın iradesi
İradesi, iradesi

Let’s push thе emperors into the ocеan
(The will of the people, the will of the people)
(The will of the, will of the)
Don’t need a goon to flirt with devotion
(The will of the people, the will of the people)
(The will of the, will of the)
With every hour, our number increases
(The will of the people, the will of the people)
(The will of the, will of the)
We’ll smash your institutions to pieces
(The will of the people, the will of the people)
(The will of the, will of the)

Haydi imparatorları okyanusa itelim
(Halkın iradesi, halkın iradesi)
(İrade, irade)
Adanmışlıkla flört etmek için bir aptala ihtiyaç yok
(Halkın iradesi, halkın iradesi)
(İrade, irade)
Her saat sayımız artıyor
(Halkın iradesi, halkın iradesi)
(İrade, irade)
Kurumlarınızı paramparça edeceğiz
(Halkın iradesi, halkın iradesi)
(İrade, irade)

We need a transformation
One we all can see
We need a revolution
So long as we stay free (The will of the, will of the)

Bir dönüşüme ihtiyacımız var
Hepimizin görebileceği bir
Bir devrime ihtiyacımız var
Yeter ki özgür kalalım (İradenin, iradesinin)

Welcome to the desecration, baby
We’ll build you right up, then we’ll tear you down
Welcome to the celebration, baby
The judges are jailed and the future is ours

Saygısızlığa hoş geldin bebeğim
Seni hemen inşa edeceğiz, sonra seni yıkacağız
Kutlamaya hoş geldin bebeğim
Yargıçlar hapiste ve gelecek bizim

Free your sons and unlock your daughters
We’ll throw the baby out with the bathwater
With every second, our anger increases
We’re gonna smash a nation to pieces
(The will of the people, the will of the people)
(The will of the, will of the)

Oğullarınızı serbest bırakın ve kızlarınızın kilidini açın
Bebeği banyo suyuyla birlikte atacağız
Her saniye öfkemiz artıyor
Bir milleti paramparça edeceğiz
(Halkın iradesi, halkın iradesi)
(İrade, irade)

We need a transmutation
One we all conceive
We need a revolution
So long as we stay free (The will of the, will of the)

Bir dönüşüme ihtiyacımız var
Hepimizin görebileceği bir
Bir devrime ihtiyacımız var
Yeter ki özgür kalalım (İradenin, iradesinin)

Welcome to the desecration, baby
We’ll build you right up, then we’ll tear you down
Welcome to the celebration, baby
The judges are jailed and the future is ours

Saygısızlığa hoş geldin bebeğim
Seni hemen inşa edeceğiz, sonra seni yıkacağız
Kutlamaya hoş geldin bebeğim
Yargıçlar hapiste ve gelecek bizim

The will of the people, the will of the people
The will of the, will of the
Will of the people, the will of the people
The will of the, will of the
Will of the people, the will of the people
The will of the, will of the
Will of the people, the will of the people
The will of the, will of the
Will of the people, the will of the people
The will of the, will of the
Will of the people, the will of the sheeple
The will of the, will of the
Will of the people, the will of the people
The will of the, will of the
Will of the people, the will of the people
The will of the, will of the

Halkın iradesi, halkın iradesi
İradesi, iradesi
Halkın iradesi, halkın iradesi
İradesi, iradesi
Halkın iradesi, halkın iradesi
İradesi, iradesi
Halkın iradesi, halkın iradesi
İradesi, iradesi
Halkın iradesi, halkın iradesi
İradesi, iradesi
Halkın iradesi, halkın iradesi
İradesi, iradesi
Halkın iradesi, halkın iradesi
İradesi, iradesi
Halkın iradesi, halkın iradesi
İradesi, iradesi

(The will of the, will of the)
Welcome to the desecration, baby
We’ll build you right up, then we’ll tear you down
Welcome to the celebration, baby
The judges are jailed and the future is ours

(İrade, irade)
Saygısızlığa hoş geldin bebeğim
Seni hemen inşa edeceğiz, sonra seni yıkacağız
Kutlamaya hoş geldin bebeğim
Yargıçlar hapiste ve gelecek bizim